
my italian ID 我的義大利身分證 
Before X'mas of 2008, finally I got my italian ID,
it's actually my immigration ID, so I don't have to carry my passport everyone.
It's made by paper, and with my photo.
I hate this photo, the photographer sucks and he made me pay him 6 euros.
On the ID written where I'm from (Taipei, TWN) and where I live now.(Reggio Calabria)
The interesting thing is that in the italian ID, you have to also put
your profession, heigh (I'm glad it's not within' my weight), the color of my eyes, and hair.
It's fun, cuz I believe in Taiwan or china or some ascian countries you don't
have to consider about the color of eyes and hair, cuz we're all black@@@@@ hahahah
2008的聖誕節前, 我拿到我的義大利身分證
這其實是我的移民身分証, 所以我就不用帶著我的護照到處跑
這是紙作的, 上面貼著我的照片
我很討厭這張照片, 攝影師爛斃了還跟我拿了六歐元
身分證上註明我從哪裡來(台北, 台灣)還有我現在住哪兒(Reggio Calabria)
比較有意思的是身分證上還需註明你的職業, 身高(我很高興不用放體重),
很有意思, 因為我相信無論是台灣, 中國, 或其他任何亞洲國家都不用考慮這個問題
