
After 1 whole month of break, our opera work has started again, the fact is I'm half happy and half sad. Happy that the music's beautiful n I could earn the money,  and sad cuz it's crazily tiring. Especially the job of theater it's like a non-stop....
休息了一個月之後, 我們的歌劇工作又開始了, 老實說我是悲喜參半, 喜的是可以賺錢養自己歌劇又好聽, 悲的是歌劇實在是累的要人命.... 
Generally speaking when we rehearsal there're 2 bosses at the same time. One is the director of the orchestra n the other one is the director of the theater. The 2 bosses are like whipping behind us with the job. They always want us to stop for correcting every single little detail. Sometimes the theater's not ok, sometimes the music's not ok. Both of them taking turns saying "CUT", it's really killing us. My colleagues for 80 % are the old members of the chorus, and such famous operas they've done maybe 100 of times already. and me, me, me... not only that I have to play the piano accompany also I have to remember all the lyrics in 3 rehearsals... it's like Mission Impossible. When I was studying in taiwan, I used to be very proud of my speed of remembering the lyrics, now in front of all of these italians, I'm really stucked. My colleagues Santina who stands besides me said : ah I didn't bring the music score with me, cuz this opera I can't tell you for how many times I've done, I could only tell you that for 25 years I was doing this opera. ha. ha .....ok even though I don't understand a word, but I have to memorize the words. Ah, cuz music this job is like this fasinating. These days we're passing the Easter holidays. When others are taking the rest, meanwhile we work. Cuz that's the destiny of the musician, to entertain every one of you. It's tiring but it's charming. We're with the masks of the theater but after the stage we get back to ourselves originally. Go! my musician friends, let's keep on step forward with our heads straighthened n hand in hand in this big avenue of music!!
尤其是彩排生活如同我時常說的, 簡直就是沒完沒了, 我們彩排時都會有兩個老大, 一是指揮二是導演, 兩個老大就像拿著鞭子追我們一般, 不停要我們停下來又重來每的小細節, 有時候是劇情不OK, 有時候是音樂不OK, 兩個人輪流喊卡, 真是要我老命. 我的同事們幾乎百分之八十都是老團員, 很多歌劇不知道都演了幾百次了. 而我, 而我, 而我, 不但要彈歌劇伴奏, 沒辦法和大家練習就算了, 可怕的是練唱三次就上台彩排戲劇了, "歌詞", 我根本沒辦法背起來. 以前在台灣我總是以背歌詞很快而自豪, 現在在這些唱了 N百次的歌劇老手面前, 我真是卡住. 每天都捧著歌劇本硬背, 前兩天半夜, 我還大聲的夢話歌詞.....但是今天我去彩排仍是一個慘. 坐在我旁邊的Santina還說, 啊! 這齣歌劇我沒辦法告訴你我到底唱幾次了(因為數不清), 只能告訴你我唱了二十五年了. 呵呵! 可是沒辦法誰叫我們是吃這行飯的呢? 雖然歌詞有很多我都不懂可是還是得囫圇吞棗的背下去. 啊! 因為音樂這行飯就是令你又愛又恨啊! 這幾天都是復活節假期, 別人休息, 我們工作. 因為音樂家的使命就是娛樂大家. 民眾和音樂家中間有一條線. 人民休息養生就意味我們得要幹活. 迷人可是累人, 舞台上燦爛可是舞台後或平凡或糜爛. 這就是我愛音樂還有音樂帶給我各種感官刺激的原因. 衝吧! 音樂同好們!!!!

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