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* 校園巡迴展:淡江(完成) > 台大(完成) > 政大(11/12-18)

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學弟向我邀稿 我答應了~此篇同時刊載於台灣古典音樂網http://www.t-classical.com/

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我最近歐上了一個高中藝術教育專案, 下學期要帶領一群義大利文學高中的孩子們演出一場戲劇, 我是歌唱指導, 校長為了宣傳, 決定禮拜五要開記者會, 熱情邀約我和我的新同事~一個只玩爵士的薩克斯風男(他是樂器指導)合開一場小型發表會. 

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 31.01.09 greek restaurant 希臘餐廳 
(only the plates and the color of the table were greek, the food was really aweful.)

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There's nothing more sweeter than this.... 沒有比這個更可愛了.....
Last friday I steped in one of my music classes, there was also another teacher Caterina who was there teaching italian, she called one little boy whose name's Fortunato up, and said to him: "Fortunato, describe your music teacher.!" This 7 year old little boy stood up, and which his most lovely eyes with smile stared at me, and with his most beautiful voice started saying to me:

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SONY T77, my new toy.... even Ivano could take nice pic.

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Alessandra birthday party 亞莉山卓生日派對
Since I've been here, I made lots of good friends. They're wonderful, funny and interesting. For ex, this is Alessandra's birthday party. We had very cute Antonella, lovely couple Ale and Fulvio, my super best sister friend Anna and her bf Rocco. Ale's friend Stefano. Me and Ivano. Ale's a girl who's as sweet as a pie. You see this picture? How much do we love her, and how happy she was. But when I saw this pic, I also thought about my old friends. My friends who are so so far away but they love me so much. My firends who always think about me and ask me "How r u doin' there". I miss my old friends sorrounded me and told me jokes. New friends 1 day would become old friends 2. All of these friends, how much I love you and how much I need you guys. A big kiss to all of the friends in the world.

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Here comes the Easter, of course here in the south of Italy it's full of the food, chocolate, cake, pies.....I was very smart cuz before the easter holiday I was having a very strict diet, so I didn't get any weight.
一年一度的復活節又來啦, 在義大利的南部充滿了食物, 巧克力, 蛋糕, 派的香氣. 我無比聰明的有先見之明在復活節前就開始減肥了, 所以這危險的幾天我完全沒有變胖喔!

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driving to school 開車去學校 
This is the freeway that I have to pass

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21.03.09 Bonzo (17).JPG 
Bonzo義大利文是"佛教和尚"的意思, 其實這是這位大廚在Reggio的綽號,

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 main corse 主菜 
To hold a easy going party you need.......

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07.02.09 dinner at Marcello's house 在馬傑羅家吃飯 
My chorus collegue Marcello asked us to his home.

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huge pizza 超大披薩 
Italian pizza is amazingly huge, and you can choose

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my italian ID 我的義大利身分證 
Before X'mas of 2008, finally I got my italian ID,

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playing foolish 耍笨 
Before finding each other, we used to feel very lonely sometimes...

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Cafe Italia 可愛的"義大利咖啡" Cafe Italia 可愛的"義大利咖啡" 
There's no point in this article today, just for showing off how delicious these sweets are

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我們住的小房子附近都是幾十年或者是從上個世紀就一直跟老伊的祖先熟識的老鄰居(有夠老), 禮拜六早上,有一個老先生來找老伊的爸媽, 問他們: "請問你們是Don Peppino的子孫嗎?" (Don 是這裡用來稱呼最高級的先生的代詞, Peppino 是老伊曾祖父的名字) 他們回答"是", 然後老先生突然"撲通"ㄧ聲單膝跪下, 很誇張的雙手朝天說: "以Don Peppino 的名, 我向你們致敬."  直把老伊的爸媽嚇的半死, 趕快把他攙扶起來. 因為老伊的祖先在這裡的地位曾經非常非常的高, 雖然在他祖父那一代喪失了所有的財產, 不過他的祖父一點也不為意, 很灑脫的接受了他平民的身分, 搬到城市裡去找工作...
讓我不禁想到我的爺爺, 他在山東臨沂縣也是個大少爺, 老共後來拿走了他的家產, 現在他的老家是一座公立小學..

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老伊的爺爺和奶奶在義大利帝制取消之前, 從前是一個鄰近Reggio Calabria市中心的鄉鎮的貴族, 聽說有受封爵位, 義大利的貴族從前非常非常的富裕, 幾乎這個鄉鎮的土地全是他們的, 也有大片的橄欖園和葡萄園, 盛產最美味的橄欖油和葡萄酒, 只是共和以後,現在人事已非, 一棟一棟的大房子也屬於公有, 變成了博物館, 只剩下一棟小小的在街角的房子, 雖小卻很溫馨, 我們有時候週末就一起去鄉下享受寧靜的生活....

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x'mas park 聖誕公園 
Since everyone is wishing each other happy new year, so I'll do the same.

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01.05.09 勞工節放假 Bova (19).JPG
(Those legs belong to Anna, she's lying on Rocco's labs.)

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